Printing tickets

We often get asked:

  • Do tickets print out and how do I keep up with orders from customers at the table?
  • Can you print tickets out on a machine in the kitchen?

The answer is Yes!

Although we provide Internet-based Software as a Service, we can provide you with a way to send orders to a printer.

You don't need to be logged in. We simply transmit the information over the Internet to a wireless printer.

It's really that simple.

What printers do you support?

We support any WiFi enabled printer that has support for MQTT cloud-based printing.

Using the MQTT protocol provides a safe and reliable way to print order tickets.

The "exactly once delivery" quality of service provided by the MQTT protocol means you'll never lose or duplicate an order.

If you don't have a compatible printer, we can provide a WiFi MQTT broker server that will provide backwards compatibility for most printers.

Print Tickets

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